Sunday, December 29, 2013

Good News Weekly (28 Dec 13)

So it time for some good news.  We are all tired of bad news.  Opinions on stuff that doesn't need to be blurted out once much less a thousand times by our so called media.  Some good news comes from bad things happening first and that is okay.  But we tend to forget that good news can just come without karmic equality.  So I sought out from my facebook friends some good news.  They have been nice enough to share their happy times with me and I think it is time I share with everybody else.  So here goes.

Good News for the week of 28 Dec 13.

  • Robert says: The Psycho's road to teenage violence has started forward with success. She got a wooden practice samuri sword for x-mas.
  • Helen is running for GCA (Grand Collegiate Alchemist of Alpha Chi Sigma) again.
  • Donna made it through the Christmas season successfully. 
  • Cleo is going to have a baby around August of 2014.  Totally exciting.  (If it is a boy, Robert or Duff are good strong names.  Also, scientists have discovered what might cause these babies to happen.)
  • Christina's nuke med schooling will be over in March.
  • Maggie is happy to be the proud mom of me.  Mom you are sweet but you don't have to lie.  I am a Pain in the backside.
  • Josie lost 47lbs in 6 months with diet and exercise only.  Now they are "just muscles."
  • Donna came back and added that she had a good lunch with a good friend.  
  • George says: long term good news=Kepler has found there are possibly 40 billion Habitable planets in our galaxy, short term=I'm 98% sure the McRib will be back at some point in 2014.
  • Melissa says:  I was in a pretty foul mood until I read the McRib comment from my brother. Not that I would ever eat one, it just struck me as funny.
  • Shannon became a grandmother this year and I cannot wait to meet the little sprog.
Well, that sums up a great bit of good news.  I know some of it seems trivial and small in the face of the large things that are going on in the world.  Those large scale things will always be there but we need to acknowledge the joys that are part of our lives so that we don't drown in the overwhelming media blitz of negativity. 

Thanks for the good news guys.  I hope to continue to get more good news from you in the future.