Saturday, July 25, 2015

Letter to Congress About GMO free Labeling (with response)

So I was going through Facebook this afternoon while I was waiting for my Micafungen infusion and I saw a link about Congress voting on a bill to have the USDA develop guidelines for labeling for products as "GMO free." It is good to have standardized guidelines especially if they help the consumer and general public. This does not do that so I decided to write my congressman instructing him to vote know. We must stop this madness/stupidity. So here it is. I am sure there are typos but I wrote it on my phone so....

I have read a notice that the house plans to view on a bill to have the USDA develop guidelines for "GMO free" labeling of food products. Please vote no to this idea and consider more a set of guidelines for labeling some food products and "organic." There are several reasons for this and they are listed below in no order of importance:1. Organic labeling is more of a marketing ploy to have producers sell more and charge more for their low yield product that is generally no more healthy than its noon-organic counterpart.2. There is no such thing as a"GMO free" food product on our modern society. The food we have eaten in the more recent past was genetically modified by what I call blunter processes like selective breeding and hybridization. The fact that we can now perform that work with better precision and accuracy at the generic level actually makes the foods product safer.
3. There is no evidence that GMO for products are unsafe. In reality, many "GMO" crops are safer because less pesticides are used because part of the genetic modification addresses pest control.I am sure there are other reasons and many more facts to add that shoulder convince you to not only reject this bill but also I would expect you to champion the effort to encourage your colleagues to reject this pandering.Thanks you for your consideration.Robert Duff

So here is the reply from our great Congressman.  Or at least a staffer.

Dear Mr. Duff,
Thank you for contacting the office of Congressman Brendan Boyle to express your support for labeling genetically modified foods (GMOs). My name is Helena Mastrogianis, and I am Congressman Boyle's Legislative Director. He asked that I respond to your inquiry on his behalf. The Congressman highly values the input he receives from citizens like you because the concerns that you express to him inform his decisions on policy and votes. This type of feedback allows Congressman Boyle to maintain an open discussion with those he represents and it is the top priority of our office.
As you may know, the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015, H.R. 1599, was introduced with the intent to prevent states from requiring GMO labels on foods and other products. Congressman Boyle voted against the bill on July 23, 2015 because he believes that consumers have a right to make fully-informed decisions about the products they purchase. Many states have passed their own laws requiring labeling of genetically modified food and ingredients. Congressman Boyle believes that these states should not be prevented from enacting reasonable legislation in the interest of consumer protection and choice. There needs to be more research on the long-term effects of eating and using GMOs. Since we have yet to determine the long-term ramifications of genetically-modified food, Congressman Boyle will support the open disclosure of genetically modified food to the public
H.R. 1599 passed by a vote of 275-150. Again, thank you for contacting our office and sharing your concerns.  Please do not hesitate to contact us again regarding this or any other matter.
Helena Mastrogianis
Well, he voted my way but for a different reason.  Still, the vote went down party lines and will probably get killed or radically changed in the Senate.  We will see.   

Monday, July 20, 2015

Good News: Eventually Posted with Classic Good New Thrown In

Hey everybody.  It is about that time that I sit down and get some good news out.  I know that 2015 has been a sporadic year for my good news posts.  I try to remember to ask for these tiny, non-drama related victories on a regular basis but again that is not to be.  Well, things have been going great for me these days.  I have stayed out of the hospital for over a month.  The psycho finished the seventh grade and is now a teenager.  I guess I should expect some new drama in my life but I think I can handle it.
The weird part is that I am writing this from the blood and marrow transplant unit here at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital where I recieved my stem cell transplant and where I am usually taken when I have complications.  Unlike other times in the past, I am just here as a visitor to say hi to the staff of physician assistants, technician, doctors and ,of course, the Rescue Ninjas (RNs).   They got startled when I came by because they thought I was sick again but instead I just wanted to visit and used there family lounge for some piece and quiet.  Either way, it is great feel so welcome and realize that there are people that truelly care about my well being.  That is those beyond my family that are legally required to care no matter what a jerk I become.  Either way, I should get on to some good news that was share with me in the past few weeks.

Good News for the month of July 2015 with some classic good news thrown in as well.:

  • Josie spread the news that it was Dave's birthday.  Way to go.  You survived another revolution around the sun.  I sure miss running with you dude.  I know I was slow but you were amazingly patient.  Our last run was a blast through the double scissors (I think that was the name) course.
  • Mandy reports that her step daughters and her all set new PRs at the 5k that weekend.  The icing on the cake was coming in 1st and 2nd in the age groups.  Also, a negative (clear) report came from the bone growth biopsy on her step son's femur.  Those may be beyond the category of tiny victory.  In the spirit the Tour de France lets call them HC tiny victories.
  • Sherrie saw Violent Femmes, Barenaked Ladies and Rolling Stones all live in Raleigh last week.  Once again another HC tiny victory.  I am so jealous.
  • Danielle completed 4 weeks of C2 5k training without the need of an inhaler.  Also, she tried kayaking for the first time.  So cool.  Keep up the good work.
  • Time for some Classic Good News:  Maggie and Chuck finnaly joined the 21st century and got smart phones with data plans and everything.  It is awesome to be able to connect the world with such ease.
  • Donna has had some knee trouble but got a new knee brace and gutted out a good six miler with TnT.  She also took the kids to Shankweiler's Drive In Theatre to see Minions and Terminator.  So awesome.  Space, the Psycho and I love drive in theaters.  We will have to check it out soon.  Even more to add, she got some dictation work which always helps but she is having some trouble with some oddball friend that keeps asking for good news.  What a jerk. He must be tired of all the drama in the world and the media that covers it.
  • Cindy was helping with finding that special one to say yes to the dress with her daughter.  I know the perfect dress is out there and you guys will find it if you haven't already.
  • Maggie came back with the countdown for her granddaughter coming to visit.  I believe it is only 3 weeks now.  I know you guys will have fun but remember she is a teenager now and remember how I was at that age.  I guess the real good news is that you get to put back on a plane to her parents afterwards.  

What a great batch of good news.  Oh, damn I forgot.  My good news is that I ran.  That is right.  I ran for a grand total of a quarter of a mile with walking warm up and cool down added on.  It was short and my lungs burned but it felt good.  It felt so awesome to just move the feet and see the world through the runners eyes again.  Again, I think we may have to categorize this as a HC tiny victory. 
Well, that is it for now and thanks so much for sharing.