Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Good News, Back Half October with guest writer Maggie Duff

Hello everyone, I am Maggie Duff, Robert Duff's mom. This is my first blog and I hope I can fulfill the position while Robert takes a break. Hasn't it been a joy to read his past Good News Blogs ? I hope you have enjoyed them as much as I have.

Good News for the second half of October

  • Danielle reports over 2000 miles on her bike this year and still has 2 months left. Wow, way to go.!!
  • Susan went to Tybee Island for the Alpha Chi Sigma SE District Conclave . Beautiful place, met 130+ brothers, and had a wonderful time.
  • Josie reports, Max is feeling better, glad to hear that.
  • Cindy's 4-H kids put on a great spaghetti dinner last night, and all the profits went to the MS foundation. . Kudos to you all. Awesome job everyone.
  • I reported that the Pittsburgh Steelers were playing well despite the bumble bee uniforms. Kumihimo (Japanese weaving) Classes are all set up. Life is Good!!
  • Melissa reported that one of her neighbors was having a run of bad luck. Kind of everything going wrong; However, Melissa's husband was able to fix their heat pump at no cost. I'm sure they really appreciated the help.
  • Shanna reported YEA to this!!! You helped me raise $20,407.00 for LLS
  • Chuck reports that Alpha Chi Sigma Installed it's 100th Collegiate Chapter !!!!!!
  • Calvin says they are all alive, it is good to be above the ground !!
  • Diana reports that the Gala to raise money for a local orphanage went well and raised lots of money.!
  • Donna has reunited with old friends on FB and is enjoying catching up on the news. That is really nice. Also, a new pair of running shoes and in PURPLE. What more could you want, enjoy your runs.
  • Donna G. finished her fourth full marathon. Great Job !!
  • Pam said she and family, including her mom, went to the Pumpkin Patch. Went on a hayride and had a really good time. Angry Bird Costume for Matthew. Getting ready for Costume Party Friday night.
  • Robert said that the room he has at Jefferson would catch a great price as an apartment in NYC. I say, only if it was warm..!!!
  • Daynell, I love how you keep your spirits up. Duff
  • Allison, We got to spend the weekend with your daughter ( my granddaughter) making slime and going to Scout day at the Museum. Sounded like fun.
  • Josie, says Max is better, glad to hear that, Our pets are very important to the family.
  • I am reporting on my Chuck's State Softball Tournament, they won and it was great. Ready now for the trip to Philadelphia . ( Chuck is Duff's Dad).
  • Pam, reports Bo's cousins are coming for a few days on the way to Oklahoma for their sons Army Boot Camp graduation. Hope the visit was good. And Thank that young man for serving....
  • Patrick's Kids left out their Halloween Candy HAD Peanut M&M 's Duff calls that the Daddy Tax
  • Donna's Fourth Marathon was her slowest ,Way to go Donna, Duff is proud of you. !!!! What Run was it ?
  • Shana recommends the noodles from CheU Take Out near the hospital Really Yummy
  • Melissa, was able to find a Groot costume and did not have to make one. I made an ET for Duff one time and everyone thought he was a puppy. !!
  • Danielle, is really getting organized ! Planning two days in advanced getting caught up on grading and even thinking into next year. Good for you , Is your Christmas Shopping complete yet ?
  • Christina, thanks to the remind app. About the pot luck in your sons Spanish class ,even if it was only 12 hours notice.. Taco Bell is open till Midnight in case your desperate.
  • Lisa, is rooting for Robert !!
  • Donna, took her son to see Hozier and had a great time. Made a new resolution to work on for myself and my family. Had a decent run on the mill.
  • I 'm proud to report Chuck's entire softball team dedicated the State Tournament To Duff. They Won and Sent the Trophy to Duff. Chuck his an amazing Grand Slam. One for the record books.......
  • Pam, says family from Alabama arrived and having a good time. Headed to the Capital Austin and some museums. Life with family is important.......
  • Duff, Cindy , I will pass along an awesome recipe for cauliflower mac and cheese soon.

It has been a joy to read about all your news. It makes you most appreciative of the large and small things in life , just to share them with others. Thank you for your kindness to Robert, I don't call him Duff and I hope he will feel up to returning to his duties as the Chief Good News Blogger.

Mom Duff