Tuesday, April 29, 2014

This is Why I Don't Care About Famous People

I have been having a problem with the privacy issue. Are we not entitled to speak in private conversation and be somewhat secure in the privacy of that conversation. Although, the second party could convey that to others. Still short of killing the other person because the only way to keep a secret is if you are the only one that knows it. Yet we believe that people should answer for what they say so as not to have any opinion contrary to the standard opinion.
At some point Space and I will be having the talk with The Psycho and I am sure parts of it may be inappropriate to some and therefore it should probably be kept between the three of us. I could be talking dirty to Space during those intimate times. Not quite sure it should be spread to the public. Hells bells, my friends out in the facebook universe have cried First Amendment rights of free speech for all. Therefore, I should be able to say anything I want.
Now we come back to the original point. A private conversation between one person and their significant other is just that, private. It may be an argument or some sweet nothings or a revelation of personal views. In the event that it is a confession of murder or something like that maybe it should be conveyed to the authorities. But still... I heard some of the nastiest stuff coming from the mouth of somebody this past week. It was ugly and potentially very anti-social.
The thing that I thought after the initial shock of the words that were spoken. This is a private conversation between a man and his girlfriend. Why on earth am I hearing this. I know why. This person is famous. Not that famous but he is very wealthy. Therefore, everybody but me and certain friends of mine (you know who you are) want to know about everything that these famous and wealthy are doing at all times. Usually, we care more for what they are doing outside of their job than what they do at their job. So we all hear this recording of foulness. It is foul and down right disgusting. Sure, I appreciated what Jon Stewart at The Daily Show did with it. So by now you should have realized that I am talking about Don Sterling and the filth that came out of his mouth to his girlfriend. So he had this private conversation that she recorded and released to the media. But it is a private conversation. Everybody reacts in their own way. The players of the Clippers took off their jerseys in silent protest before the game. Oprah, I am sure said something. As I mentioned before, Jon Stewart did a funny piece on the situation. The NAACP takes back the scheduled (second) life time achievement award for him. Okay, that one may be legit.
Then the NBA steps in. My question is why on earth is the NBA saying a thing about a private conversation. Where do they get off telling him how to think in his own privacy. Are they and Adam Silver so stupid to think that they have the right to some sort of control over private thoughts and conversations. Those of you that do think that the NBA was in the right need to consider what the real issue is.
You obviously believe that everyone should agree with the way you think about things and have a harmonious society without an opposition view. It would bring to light that anything that could be the slightest bit offensive should be suppressed. Don't get me started on morality. Too that I say take a long walk on a short pier then go fuck yourself. With regards to the lifetime ban from the NBA I certainly hope that Don Sterling fight this and I will back him. Not for what he said because I actually disagree with the verbal vomit he spewed. But because it was a private conversation.

Note- In the past the only other lifetime ban in US major sports that did not involve gambling, cheating or game fixing of some sort was Marge Schott of the Cincinnati Reds for making very anti-social comments in public. And she was not only reinstated but crazy.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Guess What Day It Is! Good News Weekly (19 April 2014)

Holy Gemoly it is 2320 on Tuesday and I am actually getting to this posting.  I had a wonderful Easter and for those of you that celebrate it or at least go home for a good meal I hope you had a wonderful Easter as well.  For the rest of you, well... I expect that you had a good weekend.  In any case I still couldn't bring myself to try the Easter Cheese. Either way, here it goes.

Good News for the Week of 19 April 2014

  • Melissa's youngest has reached his life goal at the ripe age of 8.  He rode the roller coasters at Busch Gardens.  Actually, at about that age I think that was my goal as well.
  • Donna had to clean all the dirt out of the soles of her shoes in preparation for the Nike Women's half marathon in DC.  Have fun this weekend.
  • Chuck is moving the plants outside since the frost is done for the year or at least until fall.
  • Susan had a wonderful week and now has her mandatory time off so another wonderful week is in progress.
  • Abbey just bought her first mountain bike and all gear up for the Wildflower Mountain Bike Tri in 2 weeks.  
  • Don reports that the cubs are 4-11.  Well my Pirates are 9-12 but the season is long and things can change. For Pirates at least.
  • I went running.  That's right I went for a run for the first time in just over 3 months.  It hurt and sucked but it was awesome.
  • Danielle has a bunch of news to report so hang on.  Autumn's weight is back over 8lbs.  Almost big enough to cook up and eat. She and Mark started up on C25k training and she got out on a bike ride on a beautiful day. 
  • Max's person Josie reports that he turned 14 this past weekend.
  • Christina worked on Saturday.  Okay I am going to imagine how this is good news and accept it.
  • Jennifer and her mom did not kill each other when her parents visited.
  • Donna had a great time at Run or Dye.  Got dyed but not too much.  Bonus was at the end and was surprised that it ended so quickly.
Another week and another batch of victories.  Keep it up guys.  It looks like you are gearing up for future events so keep us informed.  Of course if you want to add to the good news leave in the comments so we can all celebrate the victories.  As I have said before I am working on some inner monologue things so beware my rantings will eventually get back here.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Good News Weekly 12 April 2014

Well, I had these plans to possibly get the good news out early seeing as it was kind of a shortened week.  My man Timah had put the logic together in a short post.
Because Friday is Good Friday and we are off I'm declaring today as Wednesday. We will call it "fake Hump Day!"
But then I fell asleep and then Agents of Shield came on and that was that.  Of course actual Hump Day came and eventually it was bed time and excuses and more excuses.  So here I am on the Friday of the week.  In any case it was a great gathering of good news this week.  Lets get to it and I will start it off.

Good News for the Week of 12 April 2014

  •  I had an interesting scare with an extremely low phosphate concentration in my blood.  The interesting part is that when this happens other electrolytes make radical changes along with the phosphate but that did not happen.  The doctors were befuddled which is funnier than you might think.  Then my phosphate levels returned to normal that night and I broke the rules and set a land speed record by getting out in just one day.
  • More me.  I put out the notice to save the date for my 39th birthday for a 39 mile run.  More details will be coming soon.
  • Donna's daughter, Kelly, turned 14 on Friday and so far she has survived the teenage thing so far.  Also her running buddy is ready to run again and it kicking cancers butt.  She has also come to terms with an internal struggle which is awesome.  Donna also is racing in the Run or Dye this Saturday.
  • Tracy reports that her sweet newborn baby is no longer colicy and she is feeling better. 
  • Helen is visiting Michael's grandmother who is 93.  That is awesome, thanks to modern technology I can video chat with my grandmother since I am not able to visit her.  
  • Laura says it's spring break.  She it taking the time to visit some national parks with the family and some amazing friends.  I have thought about going on the national park circuit but my tendency is to run through them and that will leave out the family.
  • Cindy's husband visited the ER and had a stress test and they were all negative (which means good).  Evidently, he is going to de-stress with some machine guns this past weekend.  I remember the soft gentle touch of the firing off an entire mag from a well cleaned M16.  It was like pillows bumping my shoulder.
  • Over half of Susan's lab is on mandatory PTO so it should be a quiet week.
  • At Alpha Omega Matt and Jen are helping to initiate brothers from Beta Iota for the first time in forty years. Brothers at the Swamp will be awesome.
  • Maggie is doing a little spring cleaning and it is going great and it helps relieve the stress.  Also, the last kumihimo class of the season is done.  I don't know how she will go so long without teaching.
  • Melissa's mother -in-law took the kids and she had the day to herself and she got garden in piece except for one helpful chicken.
  • Jen had a great time at an initiation at the Tampa pre-colony.  More brothers come from Florida.  Awesome!
  • Abbey had date night with the "hubby."  I think I remember dating.  Space and I may have actually gone on one recently. 
  • Patrick interviewed at the University of Iowa and they want him.  A formal offer is forthcoming, soon.  They also like is idea for a course, Development in Ghana.
  • More from Patrick, high of 77 and it is Springfest on campus.  And, there is a shepherd in Scotland that dyes his sheep different colors to delight passers bye.
  • Danielle reports, that despite the forecast for a wintery mix, she has finally clear the house of the last signs of winter.  She got her first sunburn of the year and that means it was nice enough to be outside for most of the day.  Perhaps, the rain delayed enough for her to break in her new shoes and/or run some errands on the bike.
  • Pam's son Mathew turned 10 on saturday and had a nice day with family and new friends.  She also reports that her mom is driving short distance again.  It is good to see my Aunt regaining her independence.  Great news from the Texas branch of the family.
  • Josie took Max and Dolce to the vet and they had clean check ups.  Max is going to be 14 this week and has some old man issues but it is all good.  
  • Jen got her spring on last thursday.  She got to play outside in some 75 degree weather.  So lucky you guys are with spring weather.  Not so much of that here in SE Pennsylvania.
  • Susan come backs with here Taxes are done had a beautiful day at the beach.  She had dinner with her parents and some aunts.  
  • Jason found his lost wedding ring.  Hoorah!  I could imagine the grief that may have caused.
  • Diana finished her sixth half marathon and her third one with her mom. Amazing.  The hardest part was not getting to the finish but getting to the start.  Congratulations.
Well, that was bit of great news.  So many victories and so much sharing.  It is such a shame that I got lazy and it took so long for me to get out the post.  I promise to be more diligent in the future.  Of course we know from past data that the trend would have an outlier.  Well, I got some great news to share next week and I hope you guys continue to share.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Hump Day Victories of Week Gone Past 5 April 2014

Another week and another set of wins.  Lets start off with the obvious.  It is Wednesday and I am actually getting this out on time.  So whohoo for that bit of awesomeness.  It was touch and go there for a moment but I will get on that later.  I was way off my game last week and posted late but I gave is a 24 hour cooling off period before asking each and every one of you to share your good news.  And you came through, so here it goes.

Good News for the Week of 5 April 2014

  • My doc reports that the chemotherapy is working and has reduced my anti-biotics to 3 days a week.  Two more hits of chemo and I am off to transplant.
  • Jen reports that her doc did not send her to the hospital which means the leg is on the mend.  
  • Donna celebrated the beautiful day and the wonderful spring like weather.  I did the same.
  • Danielle's mom is back a home enjoying her warm Pepsi and is at home recovering from her surgeries.  To top it off the doc says that her mom is cancer free.  That is totally wicked, awesome.
  • Susan got here stuffed microbe from Helen's company.  It was warm out that day.  She also reports "I'm sad for coworkers loses of loved ones at work, but it is nice to see how everyone pulls together to let them know we care and are there for them."
  • Niny reminds us that Spring is actually coming.  It is about time.
  • Helen is glad to get the chance to see me on Sunday as well as other brothers.  We all had a good time at brunch and the winery. 
  • Christinia passed here board exams and is a Board Certified CMNT. Also, her fuzz is returning from spring break in NM.  And the Kenwick lions are 7-0!  
  • Carolyn went for her first bike ride with TnT and didn't fall.  Those zero mile an hour crashes can be very tough to take.
  • Pam had a successful yard sale at her moms the other day.  Sold alot of stuff and it was fun.  Mathew had his lemonade stand and though it was not a warm day, he did rather well.
  • Josie had a great trip to Key West last week.  I wish I could trip and fall into Key West soon.
  • Donna is excited for the Hot Chocolate 15k with her peeps on Sunday.  I will be out there soon with you guys just for a run and a chat.
  • Maggie reports "Went to a bead store that is closing , got lots of good deals.enjoyed the day with my good friend and kumihimo partner Nancy."  Kumihimo is an obsession bordering on addiction.  
Well, I could not have asked for a better batch of good news.  Our victories are getting greater as the weeks go along.  Perhaps you may feel like each week needs to better than the rest.  Don't let this hold you back.  Good news is good news and we need to celebrate that all by itself.  Keep it up. It warms my heart to have you share with not only me but with everyone else.  I may even, one day, encourage you to reach out to your friends outside of my network to contribute.  This is bigger than all of us.  Thanks so much.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Good News from the Week of 29 March 2014

Well, I have no excuse for being late this time.  I was eating dinner with Space when I realized that it was Friday.  Despite all of that I put out two requests for good new and you guys came through with glorious results.  So here it goes.

Good News for the Week of 29 March 2014

  • Melissa's math challenged child defeated the challenge with a $0.99 kindle app.
  • My Man Timah found that students today actually care about their eduction and that they actually care about other students as well as their teachers.  That is awesome and Timah you are awesome for teaching these kids.
  • Donna is taking care of her finances and she is doing her taxes which means a little money coming in for much needed repairs.  Also, the Run or Dye is coming up and her running buddy is breathing better and may be able to run with her again.
  • Pam found a great orthodontist for Mathew and saw some serious issues and sent them to an ENT doc who then referred them to an allergy specialist.  This means a good plan of attack by a set of specialists is on the way.  Way to go.
  • Danielle celebrated her grandmothers 90th birthday and her mother is able to drink clear liquids now.  Now on to warm Pepsi.
  • Maggie had a softball picnic.  Good food.  Good friends. Good Times.
  • Robert reports that the Psycho and Space have same shoe size and can share shoes.  They both got some cute brown oxfords and some black 2" heals.
  • Danielle comes back with minimal soreness after helping a friend move and the weather is looking good for a bike ride.
  • Cindy had a CT and it showed a broken rib but  did not show a tumor.  Totally awesome.  Tumors are no fun and neither are broken ribs.  Space tends to break one of mine when I snore too loud.
  • Helen had a great installation at Georgia Southern.  New brothers at a new chapter.  What could be better.
  • Pat says Nickel Creek got back together to make another album.
  • Abbey had race day and I am sure she kicked ass out there.  Go Team.
  • Jen was not in the hospital this past weekend.  
  • Josie is in Key West enjoying the sun and not in the Cleveland snow.
  • Donna has the kids and husband otherwise occupied for some peace and quite.  I love the sound of silence sometimes myself.
  • Donna reports that there were lots awesome running buddies were badass at the Love Run this past weekend.
  • Jen had a great spring break.
You guys really came through and you are awesome.  I am glad I asked twice because I got a lot of extra stuff.  Thanks for your patience on this guys.