Good News for the week of 22 March 2014
- Bill reports that with temps in the 70's, they had their best sales of the year.
- My latest scan shows that the chemo is working and the tumors are going away.
- Allison concurs and adds on the awesomness with the Lego Movie song.
- Donna's daughter recieved her honor roll certificate in the mail and the son is mastering the opening riff to "smoke on the water" and it rocks.
- Melissa's pool is finished. Is it warmer down there because I am on my way.
- Another bit of news by Melissa is that a friend of hers took on the Va Beach School's zero tolerance policy and won. We should all take this on. Zero tolerance policies and anti-bullying campaigns are destroying the next generation. And lets call those anti-bullying campaigns what they really are bulling our children to the the breaking point which is so low that kids are crying bully at the simplest tease. Stop the schools from making a weaker race. Okay, I am off my soap box.
- Susan best news of the week is that it is over. TGIF and she has good weather.
- Pam's tomatoes and flowers made it through the first week. I miss gardening. Perhaps winter will end soon and i can sow some seeds.
- Okay, so Space had a birthday. I am not going to say how old she is but she may be gaining on me or is it pulling away.
- Space yelled from the watch tower, smoothies are back a Wawa and Rita's is open.
- Don is a Mercer fan and celebrated their win over some little school from North Carolina. I think they are called Duke. Either way, congrats to Mercer and to Duke that is what you get for recruiting one and dones.
- On a related note, Warren Buffet had a major victory when he no longer had to pay out $1 billion. Thanks Mercer, SF Austin, Dayton and North Dakota State. Thanks a lot.
- It was a nice day out and Stephanie went out for a walk. Come on spring I know you can make it.
- I am just going to quote Chuck here: "I'm making bouillabaisse for dinner tonight. OK, that may be premature; I should wait to see how it turns out before declaring that good news. How about this: I learned to spell "bouillabaisse" today."
- Abbey just finished her last team brick workout before heading to Hawaii for the real deal.
- Helen is also a Mercer fan.
- Josie is stoked about my chemo response as well.
- Maggie has been breaking out the old photo albums and reminiscing. Much like now, when I was young I was cute. Perhaps even gorgeous?