Good News from the Week of 26 April 2014
- Calvin had the last day of classes for the school year at the University.
- Jen will have had only one week left till graduation. To top if off she has two job prospects with brilliant physicians.
- Cindy had less than a week till the all the children where all home.
- Josie is feeling half human after being ill for the past week. Hopefully we are at least up to three-quarters back by now.
- Space got out of work on time for once. I being surprised by her arrival home that night I barely repressed the urge to ask if she had been fired.
- Timah is still loving on the teaching thing. Even with rampant disease running through the school. Advanced Senioritis.
- Donna finnaly got out of work and was heading for a fun filled weekend of camping and opening day at Knoebels.
- Noel was heading to D.C. for the Nike Women's Half Marathon. One day I will earn my Tiffany's medal distributed by hot young guys in tuxedos.
- Jennifer turned 40 for the first time, got a plum tree to plant and the kids are playing nicely together. How long did that last?
- Melissa is enjoying the last week in her third century.
- One week to go till Donna is beach bound. Wait, that would have been last week.
- Danno got her tickets to Sarah McLachan. Awesome. I used to use her cd for some make out music way back in the day. Prince was always most effective though.
- Stephanie reminds us the Meb won and she finished her last paper of the semester.
- Christina dropped Jonathan off at Camp Leo for Leaders in Training weekend so that he can be a counselor for kids with diabetes. Sounds like a fine young man you have there. And you don't show how you are a proud gushing parent at all. ;)
- After having one hell of a fight my grandmother ended her fight and passed on 25 April with her family there with her. I know it was painful near the end but she is at peace now. This may not seem like good news but it really is with such a long fight and it was best for her not to continue in such misery and pain. I will miss you very much.
Violet Marie Duff with a very young Rachael (the Psycho) Marie Duff
- Patrick will finish is 19 year long world tour of teaching with his triumphant return to the University of Iowa. Though I am not a groupie you may look in the back of that first class and seeing me their with shit eating grin on my face. And it will be good.
- Ethan had the first weekend of the local autocross season and he should have closed on his first house by now.
- Melissa found the perfect tile at Habitat for Humanity at the low price of $8.