Thursday, September 25, 2014

Hail to the Red Skins Go Chief Wahoo and Illiniowek

I wish you would stop complaining about how your bastardized society has been offended by some bullshit about a mascot name that is supposed to be an honor as to you your old culture could help a team in sports win. Lets get this straight, your bloodline should have been integrated or annihilated by now. What you had is gone due to one people conquering another. What you have is a product of the fact that the United States is the worst winner in the world. The government has allowed your culture to decay in this sealed off state where you were allowed to whither into what we see today.
Let me explain, your peoples were conquered. It came in so many forms. The European diseases that were brought over almost did the job without a shot being fired. If
you only knew then what you knew now you would have shot those pilgrims on site and burned all

but one boat just so you could send one back as a message. It is too bad the Spaniards were to viscous amongst others to make sure what they saw was now theirs. I would almost say you are more than lucky and should count your blessings for having so much that you have. If it weren't for some of those kinder christian ethics and an organization of an independent government that allowed you to even exist.
So through some sort of genius the government set up the reservations and your ancestors through some sore of mass ignorance, nay global stupidity said “okay.” There, you brewed and cut yourselves off to the point that at some point any number of social afflictions came along and some of those were white boy schemes and included
  • Slums
  • low cost labor
  • illicit drug addiction
  • and we cannot forget the firewater, alcoholism
  • gambling, of course
I know I am forgetting some but you get the drift. You ignoramuses over a century or so have been bastardized to some malformed sort of sub-society of our own. You hang onto your traditions like they are part of some fraternity. Go ahead, say that is the point by honoring your heritage with the ritual and regalia of yesteryear. Think about it real hard. No! Please watch “Animal House” or “The Proposal” or some stupid college movie . Are you getting the gist, I was insulting you again.
So now you idiots have gone after the proud traditions of school mascots (symbols if you are from Illinois) and professional team names. Cleveland Indians have a insulting hat. How about their record in the playoffs?1 That is insulting. The NCAA idiots bowed to your antiquated ideas. The fact that you weren't wiped out like the Spartans of yore really is only reason we hear your jibber jabber. Here is some good news this year it looks like your most offensive Redskins may have a chance to beat the Cowboys. I got to admit, the Daily Show piece that started me back on this rant showed a bit of you idiots when fans of the team and the name rallied still for continuing the legacy of the Redskin moniker well after disclosing their own native american bloodline. The Chicago Blackhawks don't seem to be receiving your wrath. It may help to be a more recent name on Lord Stanley's Cup or a tribe's name could help.
I know what I have said has been insulting which is the point. I am sure that my facts are misrepresented and there are people that know more about the ins and outs of what I have pointed out. And in more than a few ways I may be (am) wrong. On this point I AM NOT! The native american culture that existed throughout what is now the United States of America is nothing but a
shadow of some twisted, bastardized, ignorant, insulting version of a lost mythology and languages. I don't know if it was part of the master plan, and we do not talk about the master plan, but your community is pathetic and needs to shut up when it comes to idiocy like the name of a professional football team. Is there not more you should be worried about like how on earth you can end the nightmare that is what this country has taken from you. I fathom that those of your native american ancestors on the Trail of Tears were not crying so much for what had been done but for hope that their future would not be like this. Perhaps the next generation can move on join the rest of us into the 21st century.
1- In a sarcastic voice.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Like a Spy Being Outted by Scooter Libby, Here some old Good News

Lets say I was sneaking around with all the clear intentions of getting this done almost a week ago.  But then I would sit down and look at the TV and not want to get up.  Then I would find that the clock had mysteriously moved several hours and I thought I had just closed my eyes for just a minute.  I am going to keep saying that my body is just not able to make it through the day without a little rest.  I keep trying but I cannot stay awake through the day.  So I will take as many moments as I can to get this done in the future.  In any case, I don't want to diminish the boat loads and ship loads of amazing tiny victories that have been shared.  And to prove to all of you just how high the level of narcicism is, I will start with news of my own.  :{p

Good News for the Week of 13 September 2014

  • I ran.  That's right I ran.  It has been a long time and I have more of that coming.
  • Chuck saw Lewis Black in London.  That must have been an amazing yet angry show.  That was London, Ontario.  I was originally thinking Ohio but Chuck cleared it up.
  • Maggie got a new table.  Awesome, I can't wait to see it.
  • Looks like Maggie also won at bingo.
  • Danielle says that Autumn, her cat, has been especially snugly lately and was curled up in her lap as she sent the news.  I miss my cat she used to paw at Space's head all the time and it was her way of trying to kill Space.  I swear she was trying to kill her.  It was funny.
  • Christina worked both that Saturday and Sunday.  I miss working.  Lately I find that I just try and keep educated.
  • Josie had a birthday.  I don't know how I missed that but here is what I say to everybody's birthday.  If you have grow old, may you never grow up.  And just for you.  It's only muscles.
  • Cindy had her son Anthony visiting from Florida.  Best to do that before winter hits Wisconsin.  
  • Maggie won a shirt at bingo and it was sent to me.  It was a nice shirt and is now part of the Psycho's pajama collection.
Well, that's it for a that week.  I will be coming at you with another one soon.  I am so glad you guys shared all of your tiny victories with me and each other. 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

I am Returning from a Blogging Vacation- Good News 6 Sep 14

Well, I'm back.  I know I kind of took an unintentional vacation along with a labor day weekend  vacation. In all honesty I was tired.  The latest chemo has taken its toll on me and I have found that naps are plentiful and long.  Either way, once again the world is going insane and it seems like even the good news is being called bad.  Perhaps, those in the media need to look at the tiny victories that have been shared and realize we don't need the negativity.  Now look at the joy on puppies face.  I found this picture when I was looking up pictures of good news.  In any case, one more excuse is prominent.  I had spent a bit of time putting together another web site for the little consulting company I have.  So here we go.

Good News for the Week of 6 September 2014
  • Niny ran her first half mile, ever.  I hope this is the start of many miles in the future.
  • Dona completed her 12 mile run for the upcoming race.  I love organized training plans.  Also, the kids are back to school and so far thing are going well.  Also, she found a soccer program for the kids. 
  • Susan would like to remind us that football season is back.  Also, her two uncles that were in the hospital are now home.  
  • Melissa survived camping with her mother and 3 kids.  Such an ordeal is stuff of legend and mythology.  
  • Maggie had a good week at bridge but is taking a break for some belated spring cleaning.  I am sure that cards be back soon.\
  • Donna had "16 totally gross miles."  That is the pain of running fall races.  It calls for summer training.
  • Laura had a great day hiking and the moment of posting Tech was ahead.  There is more to come on that subject.
  • Jason is obviously looking forward to a fall break trip to Traverse City, MI. 
  • Pam reports that Mathew recovering well from his sinus surgery and tonsillectomy.  He will be returning to school this week.  Also, they had a good time visiting with my aunt Peggy including a surprise breakfast.  We are all glad to have her smile these days. 
  • Danielle has survived her first two weeks as a middle school teacher.  She also went for a bike ride on a beautiful day and met with friends from Madison and their adorable baby boy.  Middle school can be trying.  Those kids start forming their own opinions and that can be awesome and troubling at the same time.
  • Jason came back with something simple and awesome.  Virginia Tech 35, Ohio State 21.
  • I also anounced the Hokie win.  Hokie hokie hokie hi, Tech tech VPI, Sol a rex, Sol a rah, Polytech Virgin-a, Ray Rah VPI, Team team team.
  • Christopher says that the Vikings have learned to tackle in the off season and has applied it in week 1.
  • Chuck went for a 9 mile hike on Kelly's Island on day two of his 15day road trip.  Sounds like fun.
  • Jennifer made it to Salt Lake City without indecent.  That is a miracle given the state of our domestic air travel.
  • Space is done.  It was a lot of work that paid off in a successful FACT inspection.  
  • Sherrie reached the end of the chemo regiment.  What a nice feeling that must be.
So much great news.  I dare you to feel sad after all of that great news.  Okay, you Ohio State fans/alums may be a little sad but I would be sure that the game would be different if Braxton Miller was not hurt.  So besides that it was amazing and I am so glad you shared.  I look forward to next weeks.