Don't call it a comeback. I've been here for years. I am finally ready to start up the good news dialog again. A little insight, I decided to take a break while I was getting my stem cell transplant and return with a fury once I was able to put the appropriate effort. So here it was, Valentines day and I woke up realizing that we needed to share all of our good news again. I promise that I will let you guys know more about the transplant and it will be posted on my other blog Rachaelsdaddy's Blog. One more thing is I want to give an big shoutout to my mother (Maggie) for guest blogging the last Good News while I was feeling under the weather during the transplant. She was a little nervous about it but as I expected she knocked out of the park. Okay. I know it is cold and the Good News engine hasn't been started in three and half months but lets turn the key and see if it fires up.
Good News for the Week of 14 February 2015:
- Susan had her dryer fixed at no cost. It was a loose part and the repair man was on top of it at no charge. I hate say it is getting rare to see that type of kindness and good business practices. Good on you dude.
- Okay, taking a deep breath and: Danielle is excited to see the Good News coming back. Thanks. That is not all. She is also learning more about the Universe as she plans more for the Space Science unit. I would recommend some of the shows that Netflix has like How the Earth Was Made and Through the Wormhole. They are a wealth of information and cool graphics. Part Pi: She and Mark are committed to going to gym twice a week and they are gradually getting used to it. That reminds me I need to do something similar. To top it off some very sweet notes and chocolates from her students were enjoyed as a prelude to the play they performed on Saturday night. And exhale.
- Allison reminds us that her Cassie is a year older as of this past Saturday. I can remember when you were just a toddler and refuse to believe that all this time has passed. Happy Birthday young lady.
- According to Matt a new colony has sprung up just 2 miles from the parent chapter. Expansion on a universal scale. I believe we are still accelerating. I look forward to the installation of a new chapter of Alpha Chi Sigma.
- After three years of patience Jen has gotten the appropriate length for donation. (See Picture) To top it off the resultant styling is awesome. I have to admit that I was worried about the end result. This originally came from a promise not to cut her hair till she got a job in TN. Though we moved back to PA 2.5 years ago we held her to the promise. For many good reasons The Psycho and I released her from vow.
- Maggie is loving life. She had great calls with her granddaughter (The Psycho) and me. Being in Florida is also an advantage over the frigid weather her in Philly. Well played mom, well played.
- Pam has the best news we can expect. "Everything here is as Normal as can be." In the end is there any more that we can reasonably ask for?
- Donna says it was great to see me. Right back at you. At some point we need to get out for a run.
- Cindy was attending an marriage enrichment weekend in Lake Geneva, WI. To top it off she had Jim's undivided attention from the shop as well. Sometimes it is great to just get away, isn't it?
- I have to put an endcap to this with I reached 100 on Sunday. There will be more on what that means later in the Rachaelsdaddy's Blog page.