Senator/Congress Person,It wasn't much but it was something. I sent it to Brendan Boyle, Pat Toomey, and Bob Casey. Find your congress people or state rep and write them about something you noticed. It will be helpful.
It seems like not a day goes by without hearing about another water main busting and flooding someone's home or ruining an intersection. I know you have driven on the roads. There has been some good work with resurfacing in the past couple of years but there are far too many patches and holes. I have a little fear when I am on the Vine St. Expressway and go under 20th St. What are your plans to help with our infrastructure. It is too important to ignore. Why do we fund scientists to revolutionize materials and engineering yet continue to patch with 100 year old technology. Please make this a priority or our first world country will start looking like a third world country. (To be honest, there are places I drove through just today that already look that way.)
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Letter to Congress about Infrastructure
I got into a detailed conversation with an old buddy of mine this evening on facebook. It was about special interests and lobbyists. In the end, it got me the idea to send a letter to congress so I did. Here it is.
Friday, January 8, 2016
Good New! 2016!

Good News for the week of the New Year 2016
- Well I started this off with my own victory by staying out of the hospital over the holidays and of course my Hokies won the Independence bowl. It was a great send off for Coach Beamer. I remember way back in 1993 when the Virginia Tech bowl streak started at the Independence bowl. I had tickets to the game but couldn't make it to Shreeveport, La. Still a good week.
- Melissa reports that it has stopped raining down in VA. I tend to like the rain. It was great to run in.
- Cindy not only had a good time but managed to the survive the 4-H club lock-in. She even learned so new tips about homemade candies. I hope you can send some "samples" my way. For quality control purposes, of course.
- Danielle has her cousin from Argentina visiting and is two weeks into her training for an 8k. Totally awesome. I always enjoy a visit from family. I get to show off the city and the food. Congrats on the training. Keep it up.
- Donna took the kids to Disney On Ice and is already planning on the runs and the training needed for 2016. Way to go on the planning, I hope to join you at some point. I saw Disney on Ice with the Psycho several years ago. It was fun for all. I can only imagine how rich with content it is now with all the new Disney stuff like Marvel and Star Wars.
- Josie had a tumor removed from under Max's ear. The puppy is doing great and recovering well.
- According to Erin, Dom joined the rugby club and in the winter clinic some of the instructors were members of the All Blacks. That is amazing. Is he interested in Rugby 7s or full roster (15) Rugby?
- Donna came back with the last call for good news where a neighbor gave her a beautiful blue and white parakeet. Nice. When shall we be expecting parakeet egg omelets? Oh, that is weird. Perhaps, I should consider... nah it is there and there it will stay.
- Maggie got a new laptop from Santa and is having fun learning Windows 10. I like it to. I just upgraded my laptop to W10 and it is a much friendlier OS than W8.
- Donna ran her first 5k after a run in with bursitis and didn't take an walk breaks. Like I said earlier I hope to get out there this year. So far I am just working on walking a bit.
- Stephanie ran her annual NYD 5k a little faster than she expected and even stomped out the DNF bug buzzing around her head. It is an even year and perhaps we can get out for a run or two at Conclave in Atlanta.
- Matt and the clan were about to Baymax at Epcot. I assume it went well. I love Epcot. Except in the final mile of the Disney Marathon. That can make it evil but still awesome.
- And to finish it off Niny was enjoying her last days of vacation on the beach. Oh, the sand between the toes and the gentle sound of the waves cresting. I do like the beach.
So I hope to keep this up better this year but I make no promises. But thank you so much for sharing you good news. It warms the heart to see the positivity in all of this drama and negativity. Till the next time and watch out for my inner monologue coming out on screen. This stuff is racing around in my brain and I just need to get it out there. Till next time. Toodles.
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