Monday, March 18, 2019

We The Parents...Of a 21st Century Student in the US of A

Today The Psycho's school started two hours late today, not because of weather but because some student had posted a threat of some sort. Last week, a 20 something intruder made his way into the school as it was starting. Though he had not ill intentions it was still scary to a point. What the fuck has happened to our world.
This past Friday, I helped her put a Kevlar clipboard in her backpack. After adding a extra ~5 lbs to her backbreaking backpack I instructed her that if a shooting ever happens, to run hide and put your head and chest behind her bag. Her legs and arms can be fixed but not the important bits.
It's fucking ridiculous.
I remember the fear we shrugged off from the cold war, from the racial tensions of the late 80s/90s, and the scariest thing I could think of, asking a girl on a date. But I am staggered by the grace and at ease that my Psycho displays while trying to learn, keep her grades up, work as a lifeguard, and put up with this shit. I don't know how I would have. I take the time, more often than not, to look and be in awe of the fucking amazing woman she has become.

The one saving grace is these idiots need to post/text their threats. Of course, we used to do stuff like this.  Diaries, journals, dark prose, bad poetry, black nail polish even over masturbation. I wrote some dark stuff, some of was okay but most of it was crap.  I remember thinking about even hurting myself.  It was some rough times.  At least I thought so.  I didn’t do it, much. Hell, I acted out. Allot.  I mean I was in trouble quite a bit.  I raged against the system.  I still rage against the system, but it is rage.  Even in the death throes of “love,” I wouldn’t have considered violence toward my former significant other or the rest of my high school/college peers.  More likely I but that is a different matter, all together. If they were like us with a pen and paper like us "old" people did, the administrators and police wouldn’t stand a chance.  I’m fucking thankful for this, of course.   
If we look back at all of this, there are surely some coinciding factors.              Obviously, mental health is a problem that needs to be addressed with action and not platitudes. School safety is important but why are more schools resembling prisons more and more.  Why on earth is there a need for a full-time armed police officer on staff at The Psycho’s school?  Obviously, I am not so stupid to not know the answer to that but what brought us here.  I remember the days after I left school behind when zero tolerance policies were in place.  It had kids so wound up with no outlet for mischief so eventually it burst out in overkill.  Now our education system is under attack.  While the have and have nots being an issue.  I’m sure there are some violent thoughts to our wealthier and (in)famous citizens that have recently used their money and resources to cheat their way to have progeny in the college of their choice.  This can only put more stress on our children as they try hard to earn their way into a place that others can just bribe their way into. Stress is an obvious factor that comes from both academic and social directions but is it that much different than in our day.  I fucking wonder. 
Okay, I’ve been beating around the bush enough.  Fucking guns seem to be the most common factor.  It is this country and our collective insistence that we have an ease of access to firearms.  Why on earth do we have this love affair with guns.  Are we trying to compensate for something.  I admit in my youth and ignorance I had an affinity for guns.  I grew up.  I know that as I am writing this we are also heading toward our eventual revolution/civil war and taking up arms against our fellow Americuns is inevitable. Is anything just evitable.  Kind of like being whelmed.  Our second amendment doesn’t mention firearms.  I know it probably meant it but it doesn’t refer to hunting, home security, or for today’s purpose killing children while they should be safe in school.  Despite what we might want to believe it is a plague that should be excised from our being.  At the very least limit the type of armament and monitor all transactions regarding all guns and ammunition.  Though I know background checks cannot catch a potential threat it is still a first line of defense regarding these horrors and terrorizing times.  FUCK!(for consistency)
I swear at this point; my already questionable sanity is a little on the precipice.  This sink hole will swallow us whole as well as our progeny. What ever it is we decide I will not sacrifice my Psycho in the process.  Why can’t I go back to the good old das when I was worried about her dating and a younger version of me showing up at the door.  Why isn’t that the worry of us Parents.  Why is it now powered to the extreme?  Why the fuck is it that I felt compelled to buy a Kevlar (fuck your trademark DuPont) clipboard form my Psycho’s backpack and this is not a FUCKING OVERREACTION! We the parents should demand better.  The Grandparents should demand better.
 Our children should have better.

P.S. Buy the children in your life a bulletproof clipboard.