It is well past that time again. It is time I share all of the good news that I have gotten from last week. We always like to remember those victories that we have had Though I am sure there have been hardships along the way we have to remember that there are good times that may make the darkness seem a little bit brighter. Way back in the day as I was growing up I was taught that it takes 7 "
ataboys" to make up for one "ah shit." In most senses I think this can be true. You screw up once and it can erase more than it's share of good work done before. But in the case of good news and everyday victories with the least amount of drama that trend can be reversed. We need to continue to bring on more and more "ataboys."
I know this is a little late (again) but as a bonus I have a few extra bits of good news that came from the week prior that were a little tardy that I will tack on as well. I hope you enjoy and keep feeding me the good news.
Bonus Good News from the week of 7 June 14
- Josie came back with Dolce and Dave having passed their Therapy Dog testing. She is now a certified therapy dog and will be giving back to the community. If you counted eating anything that hit the ground, sitting on you lap and snuggling at every opportunity as therapy than my old Basset "Booger" would have been a master therapy dog. Either way, congrats to Dolce and Dave.
- Helen reports that her husband as well as Kip headed up to Toronto to play in the championship game for the hockey team (part of Hockey North America). Go Washington Rebels Hockey Club.
- Maggie had a great time on her first visit to New Orleans and got to go on a Ghost Tour. It is off to Texas for a week then more traveling perhaps up north.
Good News for the Week of 14 June 14
- After a bunch of looking and missing out on some okay deals Space and I found an amazing replacement for our beat up old '02 Escape. She was truly "Found On Road Dead" Space will be enjoying (and taking great care of) our 2010 Kia Soul. It is cool on the out side but totally funky on the inside. Another great Duff mobile. Still working on a name though.

- Erin reports that she has worked out the problem with Dom's meds. I know how confusing those things can be. What order, best time of day, with or without food and just interactions like one that is an upper and another trying to put you to sleep can just add to the chaos and make thinks worse. Either way congrats.
- Melissa's mother turned 60 years young. Congrats and remember that it is not the years in your life that count but the life in your years that make all the difference.
- Danielle and Mark helped friends finish the Nursery for the twins coming next month. What an exciting time. Also, Paul Konerko hit a solo home run in the ninth.
- Erin had a yummy seafood dinner with her dad for his birthday and fathers day.
- Though Mandy did not PR she did beat last years time and she had a blast. The hubby and step kids were there at the finish as Athletic Supporters and the middle step kid has added the race to the list of must dos and is just waiting to ensure the minimum age requirement. It looks like another generation of slugs is already starting out.
- If you didn't already know Christina wants to remind us that the World Cup has started. We are all excited and I have already watched some amazing matches. What a great sport.
- Jeff go back from a round trip from Petersburg, NJ to pick up his brother for a family visit for the day before he heads back to the Left Coast.
- Christina came back with a new that her Jonathan rock the house with his beat boxing at the talent show at school.
That was amazing guys. Once again I don't think these are really tiny victories but humongous wins. We are hitting it out of the park with all the great stuff that is happening everyday. I am glad you are willing to share and let me share it again. I still haven't worked out the timing on getting these things redistributed and some of that is dependant on how my body wants to cooperate with my brain. In any case thanks again for everything and no matter what other stuff happens there is always something good going on too. Till next time, turn that frown upside down.