Thursday, June 26, 2014

Good News Weekly 21 June 2014

It is another week and another random day in which I regurgitate the good news that has been shared with me.  I am so happy to have had the energy to put this together today rather than rush it later.  I have been become really into early evening naps.  It turns out that the Spanish may have something worth looking into with a mid-day siesta.  If only we could do that here.  I guess first thing is first with getting better maternity leave like the rest of the industrialized world.  Wait, that is inner monologue stuff and not the drama free tiny victories this post is dedicated to.  I will try to revisit that subject in another post but lets get on with the Good News.

Good News for the Week of 21 June 2014
  • Christina is spending quality time with her two favorite guys (aka Y chromosome carriers).  They are heading to the Walla Walla Sweet Onion Festival.  In addition Brian is working diligently on spirit wear for his new gig as WSU Tri-cities Mens Soccer coach and athletic director.  To top it off she has bought a new kayak as a graduation present for herself.  Holy Moley that is a boat load of amazing victories.  I hope the festival was fun and aromatic.
  • Melissa had an unexpected financial windfall when a check arrived.  I love it when money mysteriously appears as well.  Mostly, though, my disappears and there is no mystery as to why it is gone.
  • Helen reports that Caitlin had her first swim meet of the season.  Totally awesome.  From one swim family to another kick water.  Also, Helen's brother surprised her with a visit while on business from Romania.  I cherish chances to spend time with family as well.
  • Jeff had a great time at the end of baseball season Team cookout.  It was a picnic at the park on a peaceful afternoon. 
  • Stephanie ran for 30 minutes without stopping.  I will be out there with you soon even if it is for just a walk to start.
  • Jen informed us of the end of the dance season with the last dance competition last week.  Liisi and her teammates danced beautifully.Sometimes I wish I could dance.  I can stomp out a mediocre merengue but that is about it.
  • Niny has put us on notice that it is almost blueberry season.  I know Space has found a farm or two where we can go picking and i love blueberries.
  • Donna has been enjoying the newly wonderful weather as of late and it has led to her getting further trained for her September race.  I will be there cheering you on and perhaps I may bet off my butt and go running with you during your training.  Also, it turns out that her son has just turned twelve.  That is almost teenage; which means he is almost at the pinnacle of knowledge and knowing everything.
  • Danielle got a great deal on bins at Costco and is eagerly anticipating organizing the kitchen.
In conclusion, you guys rock.  It is proof positive that we can overshadow the drama and bad news out there with the good things that are happening.  I don't want to diminish the fact that not everything is happy go lucky.  But again it is the tiny victories that keep us going.  Thanks for all of good news and keep it up.

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