Good News for the Week of 26 July 2014
- Chuck Carroll reminds many of us that it is Conclave this week. I got a chance to spend a couple of days there and it was great seeing everybody.
- Jennifer got discharged from the Wound Clinic and does not have to go back. That means her leg is almost healed with just another month of walking restrictions and compression tubes. Sounds good and since I saw you earlier this week it looked like you were getting around fairly well but don't push too hard.
- Cindy reports that the VBS material is packed away for another year. She is starting on the bins for the fair and then it is packing for Conclave. I am not sure what most of that was but I am glad you finished it all up but I am also sorry our schedules did not mesh. I was trying to get back after my business in Philly but my body said "TIRED!" So I listened to my body and not my brain because if you guys have read any of my other blogs Brain Bad.
- Susan came back with a report that her brother got his B.S. last week. And she too was at Conclave.
- Pam says that after three weeks on vacation with the Alabama grandparents he has returned. They celebrated by staying in a hotel in Louisiana then on to home in Texas. I am sure you missed him even though you probably won't let on.
- Donna has reached the $2000 fundraising milestone. Every penny counts for an amazing cause so please keep up the good fight and everyone else feel free to give a buck or more. Go Team.
- Danielle say that Mark and her completed her first metric century ride of the year. To top it off they may have had their first ever without a flat. She is still on track for her goal of the year and she has signed up for another attempt at the 5k. That is awesome and remember that running includes walking.
- Holly started her new job as an RN this past week and she reports a hate for cancer. We are all with you on that one and congratulations on the new job taking care of us in need.
- And Maggie got a new floor lamp for the den after six years of searching for one. I would say that you might have to high a criteria for a floor lamp. Well, either way, I am sure it is pretty.
Thanks for clarifying what Conclave is as I really had no clue. Glad you got to go for at least a little bit.