Saturday, February 1, 2014

Good News Weekly (1 February 2014)

Another Friday went by and another good set of good news is coming up.  I got to say it was a banner week.  There could have been a lot of drama but in the end a lot of things worked out.  Of course snowpocalypse 2014 hit the south this week and our Georgian brothers forgot how to drive but from what I hear all has been taken care of.  Stay safe down there guys.  Take my advice pull down your pants and slide on the ice.  Here is the contributions to the good news for the week.

Good News for the week of 1 Feb 2014

  • I actually got home in time to take the Psycho to swim practice this week.  Twice.
  • My grandmother (Ultra-Violet) successfully made the trip from Texas to Florida and everything is set up to take care of her thanks to some good planning.  Remember I did not plan to fail but failed to plan.
  • Melissa saw two bald eagles in one day.  One in the back yard and one at the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel.
  • Carolyn is starting triathlon training in memory of her brother-in-law.  Also, she had dinner with the sister and kids last night.
  • Helen reports that the fraternity has another pre-colony at the University of Kansas trying to bring back Kappa chapter.  The fraternity is growing by leaps and bounds these days.
  • Sandy says: "My wife passed her Dosage Calculations test to enter an RN program!"  Hopefully this will lead to a fruitful career in the healthcare industry.  We need more rescue ninjas.
  • Mitch said "Clifford, our foster dog, survived his emergency surgery to repair a strangulated hernia, and after a rough post-op week, his appetite is back, he's eating full servings, and he's having appropriate bowel movements which indicates his intestinal tract is no longer obstructed. Never thought I'd be so happy to clean up dog poop"
    Mitch Levings's photo.
  •  Jen submitted the paperwork for the quality inspection that is coming up.  I know it was a tough couple of weeks and we are all relieved that this stress is behind her.  
  • Jennifer got an eye exam and the doctor told her that the eye surgery that she had in the past is in the past.  Good stuff.  I don't know if I could let someone mess with my eyes for surgery.  The idea of it freaks me out.
  • Calvin is spending the weekend in Sun Valley, ID for some cross country skiing with some friends.  I want to go.  I have heard it is beautiful there and an awesome place to run.
  • Maggie reports that the mother-in-law is all moved in without much drama and she seems to like living there.  Also, the mother-in-law, my grandmother, got a chance to talk to me on the phone and it was all good.  I usually wasn't able to get her on the phone before she moved.  Now I can which is awesome.
Well, guys it seems like we have another great list of victories.  Also, we have gotten another month of 2014 out of the way.  February, though short, can have a shit load of good things happen.  I just know that as we cherish all this good news things will look brighter.  Also, I really want to thank Mitch for sharing the picture of the puppy. 

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